Our vision

We strive for a world in which you spend your time defining innovative concepts rather than simply implementing them.

We believe that if you delegate low-added value tasks, you can spend more time creating value. But we believe in going one step further. We believe that you will use Foule Factory for uses never even imagined, exponentially increasing the gamut of possibilities.

We believe in a new era

In the 20th century, Ford and Taylor split up the value chain to increase the performances of their processes. We take this process even further: by cutting out middle-management.

Nos valeurs



Clients are also assessed by the crowd. They can be excluded if they do not meet their commitments.


Crowders are limited to earning €3,000 per year. (no “burnout” effect and not a main source of income)


The projects available on Foule Factory offer earnings of €10 per hour or more depending on their level of complexity and seriousness.


In our market, there must be an astute balance between supply and demand. We, therefore, need to have limited registrations.

Crowdsourcing ambassadors in France

Promoting crowdsourcing through publications and conferences.
Proposing concrete solutions to the legislative body.


Our brand

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