Use cases

What if you had 50,000 people ready to help you, what would you do with them?

  I want the crowd  to process


CRM Cleaner

Merge and reformat your databases to simplify your marketing actions and have a better visibility (360° vision) of your clients.

Also includes your data cleansing (address, date of birth, surname, etc.) as well as duplicate removal.


Extraction of data from a document:

Using a complex document (lease, commercial courts, expense claim, etc.) or a file (photo, audio, video), the crowd will browse and extract the information you need.
Leaving you to concentrate on the essential !

Statement analysis (opinion mining)

The crowd analyses your customers’ comments.

Foule Factory contributors analyse comments and tweets about your products so that you can say whether they are positive or negative, and which are the key items/notions to remember. Control your brand image !


Data categorisation and sorting

The crowd sorts your items/products according to your selected criteria, making your customers’ searches easier.

Content moderation

Keep control over what is published on your site while remaining reactive. Don’t expose yourself to sanctions or reprisals because you relayed inappropriate statements.

Like current algorithms, our contributors don’t allow a comment to slip through, even in text-speak for example.

 I want the crowd to find


Data collection

Finding the registration and VAT numbers for a company, or the GPS coordinates for an address, cannot be 100% automated. Sometimes you have to do the “last mile” manually. Let the crowd collect all sorts of data !

Completing databases

The crowd looks for the information you are missing and refreshes the information you have. Add value to your databases (quickly)!

Finding a candidate’s employer, a supplier’s turnover, or your competitors’ opening hours are just a few of the tasks contributors can carry out.


Finding references

The crowd can bolster your product catalogue (barcode, full reference, brand, price with the competition, etc.).

  I want the crowd to transcribe


Audio transcription (Speech to text)

Transcribe your audio recordings and sub-title your videos in record time.

Your recording is split into 10 second sequences and our contributors transcribe it.


Document digitisation (Human OCR)

Transcribing your scans, photos, cash register receipts, barcodes, hand-written postcodes, Captchas or other will never be easier than using human vision

 I want to question the crowd 


Academic studies

Set up a panel quickly and in a few clicks that is qualified for all your studies and academic research.

Consumer opinions

Test your marketing projects and quickly gather the opinions of a significant population.

You can also only use one segment of the population (gender, age, SPC, etc…).


Crowd Testing

Confront your ideas with market reality and your potential customers’ real wishes.

You can also test a web site (display and ease of use for example).

Carry out surveys using qualified contributor panels.

 I want the crowd to call


Phoning / cold calls

Increase your sales force to collect information, carry out level 1 debt collection, etc.

Your phone numbers are never given to the crowd (click to call).


Audio recordings (text to speech)

Using supplied texts, let our contributors record sentences in order to give some life to your AI applications.

 I want the crowd to write


Content creation

The crowd can help you create all types of content. Product sheets, blog posts;comments, descriptions.

The diversity of Foule Factory’s contributors allows you to always have the pool of resources you need available.



The crowd does not make the same inevitable errors robots make!

From a list of basic words to the most complicated manual, our contributors are qualified to give you the most relevant translations.



You want to improve your SEO and conversion! Send your images. 50,000 French contributors will label them in a few minutes so that you can improve both your SEO and your conversion.

Your productivity starts here.